‘Lord of the Flies’ VS ‘Heathers’…

A few years back some male film makers were going to try and do a female remake of ‘Lord of the Flies’ but couldn’t sell it because all the backers thought that if a group of girls got stranded on a deserted island with no boys they wouldn’t try to compete to the death. They would just end up cooperating because without men or the patriarchy to influence women, everything would be fine… I thought about ‘Heathers’ and realized that maybe women just compete in different ways but perhaps even that wouldn’t be a factor anymore if girls were in a life or death survival scenario… Thoughts?

The Wolves…

I noticed them change

It was the smell I noticed first.

The stench of twisting, multiplying hormones.

It always preceded them.

No amount of cheap Safeway deodorant can cover that odor.

I saw skin disappear beneath unwelcome hair.

Voices deepen into growls.

Like a virus, it spread.

And once that toxin poisoned the boys,

They were capable of doing things you never thought they’d do.

No matter where you hid,

They sniffed you out.

And, for the boys that didn’t change with the rest,

Those who were left behind,

Those that didn’t have the taste for the blood…

They had only one choice too.


-Quote from the movie, ‘Boys in the trees’

-Artwork from Shamsia Hassani -Afghanistan- femme street artiste.